Friday, March 20, 2020
Theory of Scaffolding Essays
Theory of Scaffolding Essays Theory of Scaffolding Essay Theory of Scaffolding Essay Theory of Scaffolding Literature around Scaffolding: There have been several discussions around scaffolding, in an attempt to define what it means for education. At the early stages of the theory of scaffolding, Wood, Bruner, and Ross (1976) explain the importance of the interactive, instructional relationship that tutors/teachershave in a learners development, supporting that the attendance of others is significant for scaffolding skills acquisition and problem solving. They also emphasize on the importance for realizing the value of a solution to generate the equence of steps that will lead to the solution of the problem, without scaffolding by an adult. As argued, this realization will result in effective feedback, as the learner will be able to value every step towards the solution, and therefore, in order for scaffolding to be effective the learner needs to generate solutions to the problem that are identifiable to them (Wood, Bruner, and Ross, 1976). However, in this scaffolding process, the tutor does not necessarily need to be a human; it can be a virtual, non- player character (NPC) as well. In this project, the scaffolding process takes place in the virtual environment of Quest Atlantis, where learners embark on a mission to resolve a problem, part of which requires the decryption of Mayan signs, and interpretation of them in English. The facilitators in this case are the NPCs that learners/players come across during their mission. A rich experience is what a leaner needs to develop to a knowledgeable individual, and the impact of the surrounding environment and the scaffolds in it are important for learning. Wgotsky (1978) has proposed that the learner needs to be scaffolded in rder to acquire all the skills that would have been difficult to acquire independently. The Wgotskian theoretical perspective holds that learners, and especially children can perform more challenging tasks when assisted, and that they can reach a high level of development (Zone of Proximal Development). According to Wgotsky, there are two aspects of learning development; the actual development and the potential development (Ugotsky, 1978). The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is the distance between the actual development level, as determined by independent roblem solving and the level of potential development, as determined through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers (Ugotsky, 1978, p. 86). Further, based on Wgotskys theory, the ZPD can also be defined as the area between what the learners can achieve by themselves, and what they can attain with the help of more knowledgeable individuals (Video 1). Therefore, meaningful learning is being enhanced in the learners ZPD, with the use of all the available scaffolds afforded by the surrounding environment. Scaffolds in the case of he virtual geocaching project are considered to be the mission page, NPCs, boxes with information, scrolls with information, translation tool, etc. Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding Video 1: A video about the Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding, describing Pea, in his commentary paper (2004, p. 31) discussed the role of fading in the scaffolding process, characterizing it as intrinsic to the scaffolding process. A scaffold used for the learner must be gradually removed during the learning process, until it is completely gone, and when the learner has reached the learning goal Collins, Brown, Newman, 1989). It is argued that, if the learning help is not being gradually removed, then the process is not called scaffolding anymore, but distributed intelligence, namely, intelligence that is a collective product, and where the individual does not internalize learning (Pea, 2004). Over time, there have been numerous software tools created to scaffold meaningful learning experiences, in and out of schools. Scaffolding is an inherent characteristic of games, either in virtual or in physical life. In the case of computer games, the scaffolds for performing a task are rovided to the player/learner in the virtual context, enhancing active participation. This project aims at exploring the potentials of scaffolding such rich experiences with the use of virtual tools. According to the sociocultural theoretical perspective, children must have time to practice roles and behaviors through play. Therefore, it treats the several gaming tasks and virtual tools as scaffolds for learning development. In a similar vein, Wgotsky argued that game play in general can offer scaffolding-rich experiences, as well as opportunities for a player to act a head above himself (Ugotsky, 1978, p. 4) extending their abilities in ways that would not be possible without play (Video 2). Fantasy play and learning- A Wgotskian approach Video 2: A Wgotskian approach to fantasy play and learning. The video provides a definition of scaffolding, describes the Zone of Proximal Development, as well as some practical perspectives on game play. Videogames, expertly craft ways of scaffolding support through what Gee (2003, p. 138) calls the explicit information on-demand and Just-in-time principle. Computer games host contexts that frame problems, or aspects of problems and learners ecome engaged in those situations, to form their understanding and contribute to a solution. In this case, learners use scaffolds in the frames of a situation, in a context (whether it is real or virtual) to make meaning of a situation, transfer learning across multiple gaming situations as well as real-life situations, participate actively to make a change in the context, and ultimately enhance learning effectively (Lave, 1988). In such gaming environments, transformational play unfolds around the notion of reflexive action (Barab et al. , 2009) where player must take the consequences of their ctions and choices in consideration. However, this consideration takes place in a context where the outcomes of choices do not affect players/learners in any way apart for their game play. Scaffolding Definition as given in a class about Designing Learning in Context: explicit and/or implicit knowledge that enables the learner to be able to successfully engage the activity with acceptable results while maintaining the learners substantive involvement. (Learner+Scafold+Task=Success). Implicit in the definition is that once the learner acquires the explicit and/or implicit knowledge the scaffold is o longer scaffolding. If the learner only acquires part of the knowledge associated with the scaffold, but still needs the scaffold in some different form or level, the process of changing the scaffold to the changing learner knowledge level is called fading. Implicit in the definition is that something is scaffolding only when engaged during the activity, not only before or only after. Scaffolding also promotes learning of required and unknown explicit and/or implicit knowledge of some aspect of the activity, but not necessarily learning of all aspects of knowledge related to every caffold at any give time. If scaffolding is not promoting any learning and still compensating for learners lack of explicit and/or implicit knowledge, then it is not scaffolding rather it is a permanent knowledge crutch. A permanent crutch undermines all activity related learning because there is no need to learn because the learner can successfully engage the activity with the permanent crutch. Individual scaffolds can completely compensate for learners lack of explicit and/or implicit knowledge, without promoting learning if the explicit and/or implicit nowledge related to other scaffolds are being learned. This is called a temporary knowledge crutch. A temporary crutch allows the learner the opportunity to learn in other areas of the activity. My approach to scaffolding: In this section I am providing my personal definition of scaffolding, as I perceive it, after intense thinking, and after a lot influence by several theorists that talked about scaffolding. This definition has derived from and matured thr ough my constant online and in-class discussions in the frames of a class on Designing Learning in Context: Scaffolding is a process through which an individual/learner moves from the supported to the independent level of learning. In this process there is an expert source that provides help/support to the learner, while engaging in the process of completing an activity. Throughout the scaffolding process there is also a plan/ strategy followed (scaffolding is intentional, and not a random process) by the expert source, as well as a plan/strategy for gradually removing the scaffold (fading), when the situation affords it. [1] A scaffold is one in the set of scaffolding and compensates for one aspect of a earners lack of explicit and/or implicit knowledge that enables the learner to successfully engage the activity with acceptable results. f required and unknown explicit and/or implicit knowledge of some aspect o e TeamView activity, but not necessarily learning of all aspects of knowledge related to ev compensating for learners lack of explicit and/or implicit knowledge, then it undermines all activity related learning because there is no need to learn be Individual scaffolds can completely compensate for learn ers lack of explicit a knowledge related to other scaffolds are being learned. This is called a tem knowledge crutch. A temporary crutch allows the learner the opportunity to In this section I am providing my personal definition of scaffolding, as I percei after intense thinking, and after a lot influence by several theorists that talk scaffolding. This definition has derived from and matured through my consta online and in-class discussions in the frames of a class on Designing Learni supported to the independent level of learning. In this process there is an ex source that provides help/support to the learner, while engaging in the proc completing an activity. Throughout the scaffolding process there is also a pla strategy followed (scaffolding is intentional, and not a random process) by th noAK_noqep Pa3pe naponb HeKOH- @ 3any npVlE ngu Ox 1Aap substantive involvement. (Learner+Scafold+Tasesuccess). Implicit in the definition is during the activity, not only before or only after. Scaffolding also promotes lea of required and unknown explicit and/or implicit knowledge of some aspect e TeamViev activity, but not necessarily learning of all aspects of knowledge related to e compensating for learners lack of explicit and/or implicit knowledge, then it i ndermines all activity related learning because there is no need to learn b Individual scaffolds can completely compensate for learners lack of explicit implicit knowledge, without promoting learning if the explicit and/or implici knowledge related to other scaffolds are being learned. This is called a te knowledge crutch. A temporary crutch allows the learner the opportunity t In this section I am providing my personal definition of scaffolding, as I per after intense thinking, and after a lot influence by several theorists that tal scaffolding. This definition has derived from and matured through my cons nline and in-class discussions in the frames of a class on Designing Learn Scaffolding is a process through which an individual/learner moves from th supported to the independent level of learning. In this process there is an e source that provides help/support to the learner, while engaging in the pro completing an activity. Throughout the scaffolding process there is also a pl Scenario Figure 1. Barn and Silos Third grade students in Mrs. Maddoxs class have been studying about different types of communities for the past two weeks. Throughout this study, students have ocused on distinguishing between rural, urban and suburban communities. Living in a rural community, students are familiar with large expanses of land, farms, considerable distances between houses, and lack of malls, skyscrapers and entertainment venues. In contrast with that, the students took a field trip to downtown Atlanta to experience tall buildings, public transportation, commuters, super highways, extensive shopping, sports arenas and fine arts venues. Through this trip, they came to have a better understanding of an urban community. Between the school and downtown Atlanta, students were exposed to suburban communities s the bus took them through a neighborhood and a community outside the perimeter. Students experienced rows of houses, commuters, strip malls, eating establishments, churches and parks. The students were better able to apply the knowledge of their classroom activities to the field trip and could easily determine the differences between each type of community. Figure 2. City and Tall Buildings As a culminating activity for this study on types of communities, the students are going to prepare some type of individually selected project demonstrating their knowledge of urban, suburban and rural communities. Mrs. Maddox makes suggestions as to the types of projects students might consider. Some choose to write and illustrate a book, others write and perform a play, and still others film a video each community. Patrick, the computer whiz of the class, decides to prepare a PowerPoint presentation which will incorporate digital pictures taken on the field trip and of the rural areas surrounding the school community. He has successfully written the text for his slides but has been unable to insert the digital pictures from his disk. Mrs. Maddox notices that Patrick is experiencing frustration with his inability o insert the pictures. She approaches to offer help, not to complete the task for Patrick, but rather to provide support and to help him achieve his objective on his Figure 3. Computer Mrs. Maddox thinks aloud as she offers help: Lets see. I want to insert a picture into the slide from the disk. I need to go to the toolbar at the top and select insert since thats what I want to do. And since its a picture that I want to insert, Ill select picture. Now I have to tell the computer where to find the picture I want. Since the picture is on a disk, Ill select from file. Then Ill click insert and viola My picture is there. Now all I have to do is save it. As Mrs. Maddox talks through the steps, Patrick carefully follows her prompts and completes each step. He beams as he sees the selected picture on his slide. Mrs. Maddox then teaches Patrick a chant she has composed that will assist him with the steps: In-sert a picture from a file; locate the file and se-lect the pic; click to in-sert and save it, quick! She watches as Patrick goes through the steps, questioning him with leading questions when he hesitates, and listens while he quietly says the chant to himself to perform the task. Again, he beams with excitement as the slide displays the selected picture. Mrs. Maddox moves away from the computer and allows Patrick to insert the next picture on his own. Seeing that he is successful, she moves on to assist another student. Later, when another student, Melissa, needs assistance with inserting a picture to a PowerPoint slide, Mrs. Maddox asks Patrick to be a peer tutor to her. He further expands his learning by explaining the steps to Melissa and by teaching her the same chant he used to complete the steps to insert a picture in the PowerPoint slide. Through her support and facilitation, Mrs. Maddox helped Patrick master a skill and achieve independence through carefully designed instruction called scaffolding. This process of scaffolding is much like the traditional definition of scaffolding as a temporary support system used until the task is complete and the building stands without support. Such is the concept of scaffolding. Immediate support is given to students in order to help them achieve skill or task independence. This assistance is a temporary framework provided by the teacher or a more knowledgeable person to ssist students in performing a task they otherwise cannot accomplish without assistance. Support is provided to the learner and then gradually removed so that the student can become a self-regulated, independent learner. Although the teacher assumes much of the control during scaffolded instruction, the ultimate goal of instruction is covert, independent self-regulatory learning (Ellis et al. 1994). Caption: In this animation, each box represents scaffolding provided by the teacher, and with each activity the level of learning goes up. The first box represents verbalizing
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
How to break news to employees, Training Journal - Emphasis
How to break news to employees, Training Journal How to break news to employees, Training Journal Whether the message is good, bad or indifferent; now is no time for silence, says Rob Ashton. During the ancient wars, if you wanted to deliver a message you hired a messenger to hand over the scroll personally. But approaching enemy lines to pass on bad news was a high-risk job. The bearer of bad tidings is never popular and it wasnt unusual for the messenger to be killed out of rage. Delivering any news can be fraught with difficulties because you never know how the receivers will interpret it. But imparting news of recession-prompted change can place you right in the firing line. With the credit crunch still in full swing, workers have got used to a daily, media-delivered diet of layoffs, profit freefalls and horror stories of homeless executives living out of their briefcases. A climate of fear has spread throughout the business world. And many people have adopted the mantra that change is, quite literally, the enemy. But failing to update your team is a costly strategy. Employees are likely to become demotivated if they feel theyre out of the corporate loop. If a team cant turn to management when times get tough, they quickly begin to wonder if anyone is at the helm. The uncertainty may cause the best employees to submit their CVs to rival firms while others ride out the storm, vowing to jump ship once the outlook improves. The Association of Communicators in Business (CiB) have echoed this sentiment. They warned that organisations should redouble their internal communications efforts during uncertain economic times rather than putting them on the backburner. Broaching sensitive topics is never easy. But understanding your colleagues is to key to communicating effectively with them. Never be afraid to address the real issues, but communicate them in a style and manner that they will positively respond to. Whether the news is good, bad or indifferent, its got to be shared. Creating a culture of open communication, free of management speak, can make all the difference to company morale. Studies have shown that companies with high employee engagement levels have better financial performance. So, having an effective strategy for breaking news makes it more likely that youll emerge from the recession without nursing a lengthy corporate hangover. Communicating change Whatever industry you work in, the model for communicating change is the same. As soon as you know information, pass it on. Dont wait until you have every detail or your silence may breed distrust. And never communicate any information externally before youve told staff. Follow the six steps below to ensure that you are communicating strategically. 1) Explain the new direction In changing economic times, business goals have to be revised. Explain the direct impact of the recession on your industry and organisation and say what the firm will need to do to weather the storm. 2) Be honest and open Tell people about job or budget cuts as soon as possible, along with reasons and timescales. Having this open communication means that you need never worry about what youre telling people. 3) Create a vision Dont sugar-coat your message but paint a positive picture of the changes you are proposing. Be crystal clear about your message and its implications. 4) Keep communicating Keep up the information flow and make sure its two-way. Move quickly to correct any inaccurate information and make sure staff members fully understand the direction, vision and benefits of the news you are delivering. 5) Love the word change Energise the management team to make the word change the most positive word in the company. Explain to them the benefits of any changes and always associate positive emotional words with any changes. Constantly remind employees that change is not a one-off exercise. 6) Repeat the steps Changes will keep happening so repeat the steps as soon as any new information becomes available. Once people expect change, its a lot easier for them to deal with. The write way With up to 70 per cent of workplace communication taking place through writing, honing your writing skills can help you to break news with far more ease. By choosing your words wisely, you can help to calm your readers and energise them to embrace change. The first rule is to put people first. Remember that people act and react according to their own self-interest. So communicate news in terms of what employees want or what would benefit them, rather than focusing on the benefits to the organisation. Win over your readers by giving them information in the way they like to read it. For instance, you can still use your internal newsletter to explain the ins and outs of your corporate restructure, but make sure its format and style is appropriate to its readership. For example, if you know that the favourite magazines that your staff read are glossy celebrity weeklies such as Heat and Hello, you might want to create a question and answer type article or one that presents the information in bite size chunks. Information is much easier to swallow when its broken up. Just make sure that it still provides staff with the whole picture. Think of creative, interactive ways to communicate your news. The BBC internal communications team, for instance, uses Wikis. These two-way websites mean that as well as reading the content, employees can edit it and attach their own files. In addition, blogs and internet forums are a great way to share information. But if you feel a good old-fashioned report will say it best, make sure you include all of your recommendations or most important information at the beginning. No-one wants to wade through the corporate equivalent of War and Peace to get to the important stuff. Make sure that you translate information so that it is free from corporate speak. Leave phrases such as blue sky thinking and picking the low-hanging fruit well alone. Create rapport with your readers by using no-nonsense words and phrases that do exactly what they say on the tin. Simple is best. And dont be afraid to show your personality or inject life into your written communication. Your readers will thank you for it. Three steps to effective writing Before you put pen to paper, use the checklist below: Keep it short You may think that open, flowing communication needs to be wordy, but the opposite is true. Avoid flowery phrases and practise writing your sentences in the shortest, snappiest way. Aim for an average length of 15-20 words and stick to the rule of one sentence, one idea. Use active language Write We invested 130,000 in staff development last year, rather than last year an investment of 130,000 was made in staff development. The second version is livelier and easier to read because it says who before what. It also makes sure the company gets credit for the good things. Use verbs instead of nouns Make sentences shorter and easier to understand by choosing verbs over nouns We will consider proposals submitted by the end of July has more punch to it than proposals submitted by the end of July will be given consideration to. Email etiquette Email is best reserved for following up on face-to-face communication. If what you say affects peoples lives and jobs, allow a two-way dialogue to take place. Its also all too easy to send an email to the wrong person or dash off an abrupt angry message. If you wouldnt write it on a postcard, dont send it via email. Your email could end up being circulated far and wide with negative consequences. If youre just expanding on an already open dialogue, by all means send emails. But think carefully about what you put in the email subject box. Take inspiration from newspaper and magazine headlines and choose your words carefully. For instance, Now is no time for silence is much more effective than This months communication update. You can monitor who opens the emails, but its more difficult to measure how engaged people are with the contents. By honing your writing skills, you stand a better chance of connecting with your staff. 2009 Emphasis Training Limited, first British serial rights offered
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